

A quick guide through Tasks and ValueTasks in C#

Asynchronous programming plays a vital role in modern software development, allowing us to efficiently utilize system resources and create responsive user interfaces. In the realm of C#, two powerful tools that facilitate asynchronous operations are Tasks and ValueTasks. In this blog post, we’ll have a quick overview of Tasks and ValueTasks in C#. Prepare to...

7 Practical English Tips for Clear Communication

In this blog post, we will go through 7 Practical English Tips for Clear Communication and you will be able to read about some common mistakes that non-native speakers make while speaking English. Greetings, language enthusiasts and aspiring polyglots! Today, everybody speaks English, right? While that may be the case, all of us can enhance...

2-Year Fintech Challenge: Croatia’s Kuna-to-Euro Conversion Project

The Croatia HRK to EUR Conversion Project has impacted all businesses in Croatia, and the financial sector was naturally one of the most affected. For banks, a conversion such as this was a huge and complex project which has never been implemented on such a scale in Croatia. Any remotely comparable project could be, for...

Top 7 Essential Testing Types Every QA Engineer Should Master

In our last QA blog post, we have given you a more than general overview of what QA is and explained why your software needs a QA engineer. Today, we will tell you about Essential Testing Types for QA Engineers. So here they are: T 1. Functional testing: This type of testing focuses on verifying...

15 Essential Tips Every Business Analyst Should Use for Success at Work

In my 14-year work journey I can say that I came to the point where I can write an article on Business Analyst Work Tips. I’m not sure exactly when I got to the part where I’m being called a senior. Aside from my, ergh, age, I like to think I have learned some things...

Why does my software need a QA Engineer?

Hello there. In today’s edition of our blog post, we will be discussing the subject of QA engineering. What is it? What is the purpose? And above all, why does your software need a QA engineer in order to succeed? Stay with us for the next 5 minutes and find out why. One of the...

Top Reasons Every Company Needs a Referral Program

A referral program is a recruiting practice that definitely took over the IT world. Today almost every IT company has its referral program, and those who don’t are surely planning to introduce one. It’s no secret that referral is one of the most successful employment methods, so it should not surprise that over 20% of...

Tips on how to ace your job interview

If you wish to ace your job interview, this post is for you! Every evaluation process is stressful, especially when the outcome of that process can alter your life course. Job interviews can be classified as those situations where a person is questioning you, and your future 9 to 5 is depending on the outcome...

Why mentoring?

Definition According to Cambridge dictionary, mentoring is the act or process of helping and giving advice to a younger or less experienced person, especially in a job or at school. It includes a mentor and a mentee. Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash Real life Looking back into our early years and first working experiences,...
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